yvette schudy

kalos team

Yvette Schudy hails from the border town of Brownsville, Texas. Her Spanish-only-speaking grandparents raised her during many years of her childhood. She is profoundly influenced by her grandmother's love for cooking and hospitality, and she finds the greatest joy when her home is filled with friends and neighbors joining in fellowship over a warm, cooked meal.

She is married to her dental school sweetheart, Robert Schudy, and together, they have three children: Sara Wren, Clara, and Lucas. While she spent many years caring for people through dentistry, her predominant passion now is discipling her growing children, and she devotes most of her time to that endeavor.

Although she loved the Lord and felt His presence throughout many difficult seasons in her childhood, she came to know the Gospel in her early twenties. She has been attending Seven Mile Road since January 2020 and is thankful for this community of believers who have contributed to her personal relationship with Jesus.

She enjoys trail running and has too many hobbies with little time to master any of them. Among her favorites are carpentry and painting.